Look up many important Dutch verb forms and playfully learn the verb forms in present tense, perfect tense and past tense. For iPhone, iPad and Android.

Ben je op zoek naar een app om je Nederlands bij te spijkeren?
Look up translations as wells as the verb forms of essential Dutch and Flemish verbs for present tense, perfect tense and past tense
Verb Quiz
Let the app test your current Dutch conjugation knowledge. Before each training, you can decide which verbs you like to focus on
The integrated statistics are based on your answers in the verb-quiz sessions and provide you information on your learning progress
Easy to Use
A straightforward menu structure and simple settings will help you to entirely focus on your personal Dutch language learning goals
Speech Synthesis
Use your device’s speech-synthesis system to find out how to pronounce the verbs and their different verb forms correctly
Use the settings to make the app suit your needs: Tested verbs, appearance of pronouns, speed of synthesized speech, dark mode …
Learn the forms of many important Dutch verbs.

Practice easily and playfully with the verb quiz.

Use statistics to keep track of your learning progress.